
What is an official translation document?

   Many documents need translating if they are to be read by someone who doesn’t understand the language they are written in. The majority of these documents are not official, as long as they are not required by a government agency, a court, a bank or other financial institution, an employer or an educational authority. That doesn’t mean that accuracy is not important when something needs translated. If a marketing slogan or message is badly translated, for instance, it may not do what it is supposed to do, sell a product. If a prescription for a drug is translated inaccurately, it could cause harm or even lead to the user’s death. For more information please official document translation Official document translations are the translated versions of official documents that are needed for things like: ·          application for educational courses ·          job applicati...

Legal Translation Services

Legal translations may be needed for many different reasons, ranging from the simplest of document translations to complex translations of business contracts and legal proceedings. The following list gives an idea of the extraordinary breadth of legal translation services. For more information please Legal Document Translation ·          Official certificates such as birth and death certificates, marriage and divorce certificates; ·          Diplomas, degrees, trade qualifications ·          Affidavits and statutory declarations ·          Wills and codicils ·          Business contracts ·          Annual company reports ·          Product warranties ·     ...

Corporate Translation Services

One of the most noticeable trends over the last decade or two has been a rapidly growing global expansion of the corporate sector. Multinational corporations are everywhere. One of the most obvious needs of any multinational corporate enterprise is the ability to communicate effectively between the different national branches of the corporation as well as market goods and services to the target population, Corporate translation services are therefore very important as they are an integral part of the way corporate businesses are able to sustain their international operations. For more information please passport translation Corporate translation services are varied in nature as they range from legal translations and technical translations through to business translation and marketing translation. The demand for effective and professional corporate translation services is increasing every year and this growth shows no sign of slowing down despite the recent deve...

Divorce Certificate Translation

You may think that when you have been through a divorce there is nothing more to think about except getting on with life. It may not necessarily be as simple as that. The first thing you must do is make sure you have a divorce certificate safely put aside. For more information please Legal Document Translation The reasons why you need a divorce certificate The main reason why you may need a divorce certificate is so that you can prove your current marital status. This could be important if you intend to remarry as you will have to show evidence that you have been divorced. A second reason is related to any inheritance you may receive if you are left money in a will. If you have been divorced you won’t be required to share any inheritance with your estranged partner if you have the divorce certificate to prove your divorce. For more information please Diploma Certificate Translation There may be some things you and your ex-marriage partner shared. This could includ...