Birth certificate translation article
You may have forgotten you even have a birth certificate as there
is normally no need to refer to it. But in fact, it is quite an important
document, particularly if you are uprooting yourself and moving to another
place, whether it’s within your own country or overseas.
For more information please professional language translator
For more information please professional language translator
A birth certificate details certain information about yourself
which includes identifying you by your name, date of birth and place of
birth. This sort of key information is
often required by insurers, issuers of driving licenses, school administrators,
Medicare and doctors or if you have reached pension age, the relevant
government department that assess your eligibility for an elder’s pension.
If you are young and you decide you want to leave your country and
live and work overseas, your host country will want to see your birth
certificate. If, for instance,you are applying for jobs in the U.S. and you
finally get an offer, you will need to provide your birth certificate when it
comes to immigration. A complication may arise if your country of origin does
not speak English and your birth certificate is not in English as you will need
to get a birth certificate translated.
It’s not only a birth certificate translation that is requiredbut
also all the other documents such as your passport, your qualifications and a
medical examination report. These translations will also need to be submitted
for your spouse and any children accompanying you to the U.S.
Every birth certificate translation has to include the name in
full of the person whose birth certificate is being translated, the birth date,
the place of birth and the parents’ names.
The U.S.C.I.S.requires that the translator provides a statement that has
been signed with each translation indicating that the information on the birth
certificate has been translated correctly. U.S. immigration law does not insist
that your chosen translator has any specific qualifications but it is a
requirement that a certificate is attached signed by the translation company
that states the translation is correct.
Before you are allowed to enter the United States it will be
necessary for you to attend an interview at a U.S. consulate or embassy in your
country first. This is when you will need to take your original birth
certificate plus any birth certificate translation that has a certificate
attached signed by the translator stating that the translation is correct.
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