Notarized Translation Services
When you get a document notarized, it implies that you believe that the document and the information in it is genuine. If it is later discovered that the information is not in fact correct or is fraudulent, then the fact that it was notarized could have legal implications for you. The person who notarizes the document does not check the validity of the document. This person is a lawyer or a notary public and is establishing the fact that you have presented the document as a genuine document. It is quite common for documents needed for applications for employment, registration for professional bodies and immigration applications to be notarized. When you take a document for notarizing to a notary public or lawyer, this person will ask for identification and also ask you to sign under oath that the document is a genuine one. It is then stamped with the notary’s stamp. Each person who is authorized to notarize documents can be identified by a number or name or both so it is r...